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America's DJ retro rock online 59

Broadcasting from the X Radio studio in the city of Tambov, hello world, I’m America’s DJ. Here we go again cousin with a full hour of American Top 40 hits from the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. Up front is a song performed by David Naughton that was also the theme song to the TV show “Makin’ It” …Makin’ It… “Makin’ It” by David Naughton made it to the Top 5 in 1979. The TV show “Makin’ It” did not. It starred David Naughton but was canceled after just 8 episodes. David Naughton went on to star in a cooking show called Bakin’ It. Not really, I’m just fakin’ it and well

СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   56:24, 51.6 Мб
добавлен 15.04.11 17:30

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