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America's DJ retro rock online 49

Hello world, I’m America’s DJ broadcasting from the X Radio studio in
the city of Tambov. Man, it’s been cold outside this week. I wonder
what the weather is going to be like tonight. Where’s that weatherman
when you need him. I’m the weatherman. Oh, you are? Okay, introduce
yourself please. My name is Gayle Winds. Your name is Gayle Winds?
That’s right. Okay windy, give us the weather for tonight. I’ll be
glad to. The weather forecast for Tambov is clear skies tonight with
cold temperatures getting down to -100. See, I told you it was cold
outside. Okay, sunny. Sunny is my uncle. You have an Uncle Sunny?
Yes, Sunny Skies, do you know him? Well, he’s been around here before,
and now that makes everything clear. I don’t feel like I’m in a fog
anymore. Thank you Gayle, you can blow this joint now and take that
rain cloud with you, everything in here is getting wet. I’m going to go
climb into a refrigerator and warm up, and meanwhile you all can listen
to our first song from the Sir Douglas Quintet with their groovy 1965
hit “She’s About a Mover”…She’s About a Mover… that’s the Sir Douglas
Quintet from San Antonio, TX with their specialized Tex-Mex sound and
soulful vocals by lead singer Doug Sahm, who I think resembles Ray
Charles in that song.

СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   57:58, 53.1 Мб
добавлен 04.02.11 18:54

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